E-learning Nashville TN

Five Tips for e-Learning Success

The beginning of the school year is upon us and brings along with it an uncertainty most parents and students haven’t experienced in prior years. The closure of schools last spring during the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic was sudden and left many feeling unprepared to resume classes this fall.

Many parents and students alike are starting off this new school year on an unfamiliar, e-learning journey.

Tips for Success

Whether your child is feeling nervous about beginning e-learning this fall or you’re unsure how to help, it’s important to plan instead of panic. Get the year off to a good start by following these tips:

  1. Develop a routine. Maybe your child’s school has set up a dedicated routine of check-ins and video meetings you can use to structure your child’s day. If not, do your best to establish a routine of your own. Keep your child on a sleeping schedule, begin class at the same time each day, and develop a plan that clearly outlines expectations.
  2. Make time for breaks. Your child’s regular school day offers frequent breaks for recess, lunch, and more. Set alarms to remind you of these break times and stick to them. Allow your child ample time to get fresh air and burn energy before returning to school work.
  3. Dedicate a space for e-learning. Do your best to set up a mini “school zone” for your child in a place different from where they usually play video games or relax. Find a generous workspace in a quiet corner with plenty of room for projects and other school supplies, and choose a comfortable but ergonomic chair.
  4. Check in with teachers regularly. Teachers have had more time to prepare for e-learning and anticipate the materials to be easier to navigate than those from last spring. Still, it’s important to ask any questions you have as they arise. Stay connected with your child’s teacher to track progress and ensure the year is going as expected.
  5. Encourage your child to stay in touch with friends. One of the most significant disadvantages of e-learning is the lack of social contact with peers. Encourage your child to participate actively in school-sanctioned online events and class discussions, and allow continued social interaction with peers via phone or internet.

As the year progresses and COVID-19 takes its course, chances are your children will be able to return to the school setting on a limited basis. Until then, utilize the above tips for e-learning success and continue to monitor for COVID-19 symptoms.





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