Potty Training Nashville

Potty Training Tips for Parents

If your child is between the ages of 2 and 4, you’re probably more than ready to ditch diapers. However, potty training is a more intricate process than most parents think. It’s also different for every kid, so it’s crucial to tailor the process to your child’s needs. We’ve listed some of our favorite training tips to get you and your child a few steps closer to potty mastery.

Potty Training Tips

  • Encourage practice runs to the potty. Good times are after naps, 2 hours without urinating or 20-30 minutes after meals
  • Praise or reward child for cooperation or any success. Hugs, stickers, praise or animal cookie
  • Change for your child after accidents
  • Introduce underwear after your child starts using the potty consistently

Have your child help pick out big boy/big girl underwear as a reward for his/her success.

Watch for Readiness Signs

Sometimes without knowing they’re doing it, your child will tell you when he or she is ready to train. She may hide or ask for privacy when she needs to use the restroom. He may complain about a wet or dirty diaper. Additionally, watch for skills such as:

  • Keeping a diaper dry for two hours or more
  • The ability to mount, sit on, and dismount from a potty chair or child’s toilet seat
  • The ability to pull down diapers or underpants
  • Verbally expressing a need to use the bathroom 

Timing Is Everything

Potty training requires plenty of patience, so you’ll want to start the process at a time when you and your child feel secure. Don’t start training if you’ve moved, recently had a baby, or undergone other major life changes. This can lead to accidents and regression, dragging out the process. Ideally, you’ll want to do most of your training over a weekend or quiet couple of days at home. That way, your child is in a familiar, secure environment. If accidents do happen, they can be dealt with more efficiently.





The information and content on our website should not be used as a substitute for medical treatment or advice from your doctor.